Quick, quick, I should be doing other things - such as finishing off the editorial for Issue 3 of Down Under Textiles and bundling the contents of Down Under Quilts 144 ready to hand over to the designer!
I seriously feel like I'll never get there ... but we all know I will ... it's just these few days of panic and overload that it all seems impossible!
But, while I'm here .... let me share a few quick things that have been happening at Oak Lea (the name of our new property/home) ...
Here is baby bunting... Sadie came came for a visit last week while I was photographing
a quilt for issue 145 of Down Under Quilts.

It was lots of quiche a week or so back for us. I gave away 2 dozen of these lovely fresh laid eggs last week, only to have to buy a dozen on Saturday for all the cooking I had planned, in expectation of more eggs. Lulu gave the chooks a talking to, but apparently, until they get the good chook food (Farmer Phil has to go up the road and buy some) they will be laying on a reduced schedule - mmm, who is in charge around here?

This is our COZY room ... we have a few living rooms in our new house. This is the formal room at the front of the house. We call it the cozy room. As you can see at the left there is a combustion fireplace. During the first six weeks we had that burning all night every night! In the last week or so it has warmed up a little, and we are coping without it burning night and day. I miss it, but am glad that the weather is warming.

Farmer Phil learned a valuable lesson last weekend, that this is what happens when you
mow a soggy area of grass. Man of the Land, he isn't! He bogged it three times on
this occasion, I think he secretly enjoyed the hours of planning and pulling and grunting
it took to get it out of the bog - three times - and back up to high ground. I have to
admit it gave me a good laugh.

Righto, back to creating magazines, because in a hour or so I have to create a meal too.