I am spending the day in the Blue Mountains with my daughter and son-in-law and the new grand baby, Sadie. We have had a lovely day, and we are all looking forward to early bed tonight.
I am spending the day in the Blue Mountains with my daughter and son-in-law and the new grand baby, Sadie. We have had a lovely day, and we are all looking forward to early bed tonight.
There are more positives that don't come immediately to mind, so maybe not so insightful, but that add to the year that was, the person that will be. There are many negatives that I really don't feel like exploring right now. Although, I wont make the mistake of ignoring them altogether, they will be pondered over the Christmas break ... one thing I always promise to myself is to not regret, and not feel guilty. To stay humane I remain reflective and embracing of the lessons learnt the hard way. They are not be scorned, or feared, they make us what we are.
Now, to some loveliness ... here are a few photos I'd like to share in recognition of some of my more memorable and life-changing moments of 2009 ...
4 generations! Now that IS a special moment.
I saved this image earlier this year, I don't recall from where, but I just loved the colours, happy Mondays? happy everyday!
My nine-year-old Mason knows his way around electronic items far better than us older folk... and he took this picture of his niece, Sadie, with this cute border.
That's about it from me this year. I will be camping between Christmas and New Year, and have a good book packed! IF, I can get access to a computer I will drop in.. meanwhile,
Christmas is about family, traditions, loving and accepting. It's not always easy, but it's always worth the effort!
From me and mine to you and yours, have a very lovely Christmas and a fabulous new year!
Down Under Quilts goes bi-monthly
Many things have gone back to grass roots here, and I am thoroughly enjoying getting in amongst ALL that goes on with producing magazines. Three years ago I was running a company of almost 30 staff with up to eight magazines at one point. We had a great team and fabulous products. But, as time progressed I revisited my aims – and running a large company was not one of them.
Producing a magazine that I am passionate about is my aim. Next year I will be devoting time to creating the magazine and to creating the companion website, with the aim to make your experiences with the magazine and website and quilting in general more valuable. I hope to increase my personal interaction too, and will be in attendance at Expertise Events’ AQC and quite a few of the Craft & Quilt Fairs around the nation.
Ten A4 textile artworks have been sold with a total of $2200 raised for NBCF. There are four artworks remaining – at $100 each. Pop over to bid4acause.blogspot.com and make your BID now.
New Textile Magazine
Down Under Textiles is an exciting new Australian magazine that is entirely devoted to the textile arts of yarns, threads, fibres and fabrics. The first issue includes projects by well-known artisans and shares interesting techniques in easy-to-understand format.
Embellish a BAG and win $500
The Textile Art Festival organisers and Down Under Textiles have combined to offer a cash prize of $500 to the most creatively embellished bag. All entries will be displayed at the 2010 Textile Art Festival. As one of my ‘personal’ quilting friends, I want to offer you the reduced entry fee – which includes the bag handles and instructions – for only $25 (instead of $30). Click here for your entry form.
Visit amazing QUILTS & fabulous FLOWERS
Places are still available to join this wonderful tour through
Visit http://www.creativelivingmedia.com.au/ to find out more about these exciting plans for 2010. You can also download order forms and entry forms.